County Line Road speed limit back to 50 mph
MADISON- Motorists travelling County Line Road got some good news this week. Madison street department crews were busy Wednesday installing new 50 mph speed limit signs along the busy stretch from I-565 to Highway 72 which is now 5 lanes.
“That was the original speed limit so during construction for safety reasons the speed limit was lowered to 40 mph,” Madison City Engineer Gary Chynoweth said. “The state is in the process of closing out the contract and gave the authorization to remove the construction signage and the regulatory signs can go back in as it was before.”
County Line Road improvement has been going on since Dec. 2014 and there has been a lot of commercial development during that time as well as the exit to I-565 has more cars travelling the road.
“The vehicle counts have gone up from about 22,000 a day to 23,500 a day which is about normal. There’s been some commercial development during that time and more is on the way,” Chynoweth said.
Land has been cleared in front of Heritage Assisted Living for a strip shopping center.
A Wendy’s restaurant is opening soon in front of James Clemens High School.
Residential development around James Clemens continues with a large subdivision going in behind the school.
Chynoweth said the bridge on Mill Creek replacement project has started and that could result in some closure times for Mill Road, a heavily travelled east-west corridor.
“The old one was load restricted, it will take about 90 days to replace the bridge,” Chynoweth said.