Wall-Triana project to begin in March
By Staff
Thomas Tingle
Record Managing Editor
Traffic will move faster and more efficiently through the Wall-Triana Highway and Madison Boulevard intersection this spring.
Lane modifications at the busy intersection are expected to begin in March.
City Engineer Jo Somers said once construction begins, it would take anywhere from 30-45 days to complete and traffic will move faster.
Somers said a left and right turn lane on northbound traffic would be built. Modifications on the southbound and westbound lanes would also occur.
"At the present time, the Wall-Triana Highway and Madison Boulevard intersection is rated as a Level Service F, which means it is at or above capacity," Somers said. "The signal at the intersection is on a split phase on each leg. Each leg has a time specifically dedicated to that leg only. Once the new lanes are added, the intersection will go from a split phase situation to a conventional intersection. In other words, traffic will move faster and more efficiently through the intersection."
Somers said the modifications would have a positive impact for motorists on I-565 who exit off of the interstate onto Wall-Triana Highway to Madison Boulevard.
Regarding concerns of road construction during peek traffic hours in the day, Somers said ripping out the existing concrete medians could be done during the evening hours. She said re-installing the medians would probably have to be done during the day.
Bids for the modifications will be let in February.