Tightened security measures taken at Redstone Arsenal
By Staff
As the nation's terrorist alert status has risen from yellow to orange, security measures already in place at Redstone Arsenal remain unchanged.
According to Redstone Arsenal Public Affairs spokesperson Dan O'Boyle, Redstone Arsenal officials are reviewing intelligence information and re-evaluating anti-terrorism measures following last Friday's terrorist alert status change.
"We are in close contact with local, state and federal law enforcement officials and we are continuing to evaluate our force protection measures here at Redstone Arsenal to make sure our employees, families and visitors remain secure," said Col. Bob Devlin, commander of the U.S. Army. "We will vary somewhat in the procedures we already have in place, but there should be no impact on traffic flow to the Arsenal or on our overall force protection condition."
The force protection level for Redstone Arsenal remains at Bravo status. Bravo is one of four force protection levels used by the military. Alpha is the least severe, followed by Bravo, Charlie, and then Delta.