Mayor proclaims Sept. 17-23 Constitution Week
Five ladies from local DAR chapters joined Mayor Paul Finley Aug. 30 as he signed a proclamation declaring Sept. 17-23 as Constitution week. Pictured with Finley are: (Back, L-R) Pat Lawrence, Twickenham DAR; Rhonda Larkin, Huntsville Spring DAR; Sue Ellen Adams, Huntsville Spring DAR; (Front, L-R) Chris Cowley, Huntsville DAR; and Martha Ann Whitt, Huntsville DAR. (Record Photo/Austin Phillips)
Madison Mayor Paul Finley signed a proclamation Monday, Aug. 30 declaring Sept. 17-23 Constitution Week in the city.
Ladies from three local Daughters of the American Revolution chapters were on hand for the signing.
The signing was just one of many events the DAR chapters have planned for Constitution Week.
On Sept. 7, Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle will sign a similar proclamation.
When the week begins Sept. 17, churches across the city will ring bells to honor the week, and the DAR chapters are encouraging citizens to fly their American flag and ring bells at 4 p.m.
The DAR chapters will also celebrate the 223rd anniversary of the signing during a ceremony at Huntsville╒s Constitution Village from 3:30-4 p.m.
On Sept. 22, the Huntsville DAR chapter will host a Constitutional luncheon at the Huntsville Country Club. Special guests will be the Calvert family, who will present a skit about the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
The tradition of Constitution Week started in 1955, when the DAR petition Congress to observe Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week.