ALDOT meeting draws public response
The Alabama Department of Transportation held an informal meeting Tuesday, which provided the public the opportunity to meet with representatives, ask questions and leave comments.
ALDOT provided maps and displays detailing the proposed interchange on I-565 at County Line Road, on the south boundary of Madison.
The project will add an access point on I-565 for traffic, which already has been 5-laned down the existing Hwy 72 intersection.
Traffic increase, growing business and industrial and residential developments were cited as reasons for the interchange.
Johnny L. Harris, division engineer, said the projected is projected to take around 3 or 4 years from now until completion, but the job will have to be done in phases.
Resident Ginny Lackey said overall, she’s pleased with the plan.
“I think it will be OK,” Lackey said. “There are a couple of things that may cause congestion, but all in all, it will be great for the area.”
Others at the meeting said the project would alleviate traffic problems on County Line Road.
ALDOT released a packet that said a capacity analysis indicated that the area needed the interchange to keep up with Madison’s growing population.
Public comments will become a part of the project’s official record.
To leave comments, email Harris at, or mail the comments to ALDOT PO Box 550, Guntersville, Ala. 35976.