Street festival pageant now accepting applications
The Madison Street Festival Pageant is now accepting applications from young women ages 14 to 17, who are looking to build confidence, gain experience in public eye and win money for college.
Pageant Director Erica Slone said the pageant is an excellent opportunity for young girls to win scholarships and polish their self-confidence.
“We’re trying to get the word out to as many people as we can,” Slone said. “We’re accepting 20 contestants this year.” “We’re laidback and we want girls to have a good time, and have a positive experience.”
The pageant is sponsored by The Madison Record newspaper. We are hoping the pageant will be a favorite event for years to come.
The pageant, which takes place during the Madison Street Festival, will be held at the gazebo. We would love to have 15 – 20 participants.
Slone said the pageant staff will work with contestants prior to the pageant to help with their modeling skills — such as the appropriate or inappropriate attire to wear and dos and don’ts.
“The girls feel a sense of accomplishment — especially in self-confidence, which is what they’ll face in the real world,” Slone said. “We’ve had an increase in participants and interest.”
With $600 in total cash winnings.
Interested applicants must submit their applications with an $50 entry fee by Sept. 3 to P.O. Box 1037. Make checks payable to the Madison Street Festival. Applications are available online at, and can also be picked up at The Madison Record, Madison Library, WZYP/The Wolf studios, the Hogan YMCA and all area high schools.
The pageant will take place Oct. 1 at 3 p.m. For more information call Erica at 256.772.6677 or 859.893.6700.