Council approves district lines
The Madison City Council voted in its Oct 24 meeting to approve the new council district lines.
“I believe we’ve got a good product and we’re ready to move forward,” said council President Tommy Overcash. “Hopefully, we can get it taken care of by the end of the year and have it set up and ready to go by primary elections.”
The new map includes two districts, two and four, in Limestone County areas of the city, with the remaining five districts serving Madison County portions of the City.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the City of Madison has grown from 29,329 in 2000 to 42,938 in 2010.
The State requires that cities maintain “as nearly as may be the same number of inhabitants” in each council voting district and that balance be evaluated after the census results are released.
In other actions, the council approved:
Resolution No. 2011-249-R authorizing the disposal or destruction of certain Revenue Department records as approved by that department and the State Department of Archives
Resolution No. 2011-250-R authorizing the disposal or destruction of certain Mayor?s Office records as approved by that department and the State Department of Archives
Resolution No. 2011-251-R authorizing the disposal or destruction of certain Finance Department records as approved by that department and the State Department of Archives
Resolution No. 2011-252-R declaring certain city property as surplus and authorizing that it be sold through GovDeals (formerly used by the Human Resources Department)
Resolution No. 2011-253-R declaring certain city property as surplus and of negligible value and authorizing its disposal or destruction (formerly used by the Fire Department)
Acceptance of donations in the amount of $200 and $600 from the Greater Huntsville Humane Society for the City?s participation in Maddie?s Fund (funds to be deposited into General Operating Account to be used for food and veterinarian bills for Animal Control Division)
Resolution No. 2011-255-R declaring Building Department cell phones as surplus and authorizing that the cell phones and related accessories be sold to current carrier/provider for account credit
Resolution No. 2011-257-R accepting settlement in the amount of $7,500 (less $500 deductible, $7,000) from Alabama Municipal Insurance Corporation for a Police Department vehicle demolished in accident that occurred on October 7, 2011 (to be deposited into General Operating Account)
Resolution No. 2011-259-R approving a travel advance in the amount of $40 each for Al Bryan and Chris Townsend to attend Adolescent Brain Development course (to be paid from departmental budget)
Approval of payment to Reed Construction for work completed on Highway 72 Improvement project (to be paid from Capital Improvement budget) $144,234.76
Approval of payment to the following vendors for work completed in relation to the Bradford Creek Greenway Phase I project (to be paid From Capital Improvement budget)
Land Design Solutions $4,752.00
OMI, Inc. $3,788.50
SJ& L General Contractors $42,215.84
Approval of payment to PBS Services for portable restroom for Main Street Improvement project (to be paid from Capital Improvement budget) $81.60
Approval of payment to CFW, Inc. for work completed in relation to Highway 72 Water relocation project (to be paid from Capital Improvement budget) $90,841.50
Approval of payment to Angelo Iafrate for work completed on Gillespie Road bridge project (to be paid from Capital Improvement Budget) $105,375.64
Approval of payment to Robin Rents for equipment rental related to Gooch Lane Improvement project (to be paid from Capital Improvement budget) $375.00
Approval of payment to Turfgrass America for goods related to Gooch Lane Improvement project (to be paid from Capital Improvement budget) $720.00
Approval of payment to ABC Cutting Contractors for work completed in relation to Main Street Improvement project (to be paid from Capital Improvement budget) $824.88