Osterndorf realizes ‘urgency’ at new hospital
On Feb. 28, 2012 the Madison Urgent Care will become the Emergency Department of the new Madison Hospital and Audrey Osterndorf, the nurse manager of the Madison Urgent Care Center will be responsible for overseeing the transition.
The Urgent Care, is a satellite facility of Huntsville Hospital, it has been in existence since March 1, 2005.
Osterndorf says the Urgent Care Center scope of practice involves the evaluation and treatment of minor illnesses and injuries.
“I have chaired the Merit Award Program sponsored by the Community Woman’s Group and worked, over the years, with the National Military Family Association,” Osterndorf said.
Prior to Osterndorf’s new position, she volunteered at Army Community Services on Redstone working with the Mobilization and Deployment Program Director.
“Most recently, I was afforded the opportunity to become one of five Operations Mangers for the new Hospital,” she said.
Osterndorf said she excited about this position because it will expand her oversight responsibility to include ensuring the smooth opening and running of the pharmacy, lab, registration and imaging departments within the hospital.
These are all services that impact and play a vital role in supporting the emergency department.
Osterndorf grew up in a small town west of New York City and she has an “outstanding” work background in nursing.
“My decision to become a nurse is not a glorious or exciting story,” said Osterndorf.
Osterndorf said her decision was a practical one. Her choices after high school were to either pursue a teaching degree or nursing degree.
“I was offered a tuition free ride at the one and only nursing school I applied to and took it. I have never regretted that decision,” said Osterndorf.
Osterndorf received her Bachelor and Master degrees in Nursing, she was afforded the opportunity to serve as Chief Nurse in Germany, she has worked in a Family Practice Clinic and she has worked outpatient chemotherapy.
Osterndorf considers Madison to be her home, she has been living in the area since the summer of 2005. She is married with two daughters, one who is in her third year at Alabama studying international business. And the other daughter will graduate from Bob Jones in the spring and will also be off to Tuscaloosa focusing on healthcare.
As Osterndorf prepares for her transition she is looking forward to the opportunity of educating patients and family.