MPD issues holiday safety tips
The Madison Police Department would like to point out the potential for increased crime this holiday season. Criminals may choose to target a victim’s home, car or bank account in an attempt to make money. They have issued some tips that can help reduce your chances of becoming a victim.
•Do not leave anything in your parked car that may appear to be of value. If you must, conceal it or place it in the trunk.
•Lock your car doors.
Items frequently stolen from vehicles are wallets, purses, cameras, and laptop computers.
•Most residential burglaries happen during the day while no one is at home.
•While pulling away from your residence, take notice of your surroundings and report any suspicious vehicles or persons to the police.
•Make sure home doors are locked and windows are fully closed and locked.
•While away on long trips, leave an extra vehicle in the driveway if possible to keep up the appearance someone is at home.
•Leave on a radio or television for the same reason.
•Have a neighbor or family member check on your residence frequently.
•The FBI has provided online shopping tips that can be used year round. Please refer to our city website and click on “view all news”. See the police news section.
•Make sure your computer antivirus software is up to date and perform a scan often.
•Avoid paying with your checking account online. Credit cards are much safer.
Monitor your credit card account statements for suspicious transactions.
•Never enter your credit card information on a site that is not encrypted.
•Check feedback on sellers and be aware of their shipping and handling procedures.
•If your employer permits, have items shipped to your business. If being shipped to your home, make sure a signature is required for delivery and make sure you can track the package.