March Madness hits Bob Jones for a cause
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes at Bob Jones High School is sponsoring its own version of basketball’s exciting March Madness.
FCA will host its March Madness Basketball Tournament on March 4 in the Bob Jones gym.
“The 3v3 (three versus three) student tournament will be held at 1 p.m.,” FCA sponsor Amy Thaxton said. “The winning team will play in a full-court, student-faculty game at 3 p.m., which Principal Robby Parker will referee.”
The team that wins the tournament can recruit ‘most valuable players’ for the student-faculty game.
Proceeds will benefit 305 8th Street, a home for adults with diverse mental challenges, including autism, brain injury, cerebral palsy, intellectual disability and mental illness (
About six months ago, an electrical fire occurred at 305 8th Street. “The fire endangered their lives then and continues to be a threat until the electric system can be replaced,” Thaxton said.
“March Madness, ending with a student-faculty basketball game, will raise money to help offset the costs while the residents are displaced during the renovation of their house,” Thaxton said.
Bob Jones students, siblings, parents and friends are welcome at March Madness. “With your help, we can support 305 8th Street in making their home safe,” Thaxton said.
Residents of 305 8th Street and Bob Jones basketball teams will referee the student tournament.
The six-member teams must have at least one girl and one boy. “To keep play on a more equal level, the Bob Jones varsity basketball teams have agreed to referee, instead of playing. Junior varsity and freshmen teams are allowed to play, but only one player is allowed on each team,” Thaxton said.
Minimum donation for each team is $20. Teams must submit their applications to Thaxton by Feb. 29. “The team who raises the most money receives GiGi’s cupcakes,” Thaxton said.
First Commercial Bank is the yearlong sponsor for Bob Jones FCA. CHAMP Training is sponsoring March Madness.