St. John’s creates, exhibits artwork for Dream Project
St. John the Baptist Catholic School students have been busy creating and exhibiting artworks in conjunction with the international public art project, The Dream Rocket Project.
In 2014, their art will be joined with approximately 8,000 other works to wrap a 365-foot Saturn V Moon Rocket replica at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center.
Prior to the wrapping of the Saturn V, all submissions are being displayed in venues such as libraries, schools and museums around the country. Since May 2010, the Dream Rocket team has completed 44 exhibits and has scheduled a total of 81, including a show at the St. John’s Catholic School in Madison Alabama during the month of February 2012.
The work that is currently on display at St. John’s Catholic School was submitted from schools, groups and individuals residing in states such as Washington, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Texas and several countries including Australia and Canada. Other area schools such as Weatherly Heights Elementary and Monrovia Elementary School created a number of these works. Other submissions came from the Huntsville Museum of Art and Girl’s Inc.
To date, the Dream Rocket team has received submissions representing 351 cities, 49 states and countless countries.
A quilt piece was produced by eighth-grade students in 2009 taught by Marilu Priebe, art teacher at St. John’s Catholic School.
Priebe plans for current students to complete additional canvas artworks with each being two feet by two feet in size.
The International Fiber Collaborative (IFC), a 501(C)(3) Organization, was founded by Jennifer Marsh in a response to the growing need within her community for supplemental arts education for public schools, community arts, and perhaps most importantly, an outlet for individuals around the world to find common ground. Using the arts as a vehicle for learning, collaboration, and inspiration, the IFC continues to address the increasing needs of society, communities, and individuals. More information about the International Fiber Collaborative and its current project is available online at