Patriot Players present “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”
Bob Jones Patriot Players will present "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" on April 6-7 in Zompa Auditorium.
This production aligns with the 1939 movie classic with one exception. “Our show is a play, not a musical,” producer and drama teacher Mary Davis said. “We use all transition music but the actors aren’t singing.”
The show is a tribute to the children of Madison. “Our city is bursting at the seams with children. Every year, families come to Madison for our wonderful schools,” Davis said. “Focusing on them as our target audience has been refreshing and exciting.”
All actors are advanced drama students. “Having so many talented kids, we ‘double cast’ all lead roles — two students for one role,” Davis said. When one actor was rehearsing on stage, the other student “had to be 100 percent focused on blocking and character development.”
Lead actors are Cameron Mclain and Erica Hadaway (Dorothy), Nathan Daniel (Tin Man), Johnny Lerman and Mackenzie Francis (Cowardly Lion), Zach Koenig and Johnny Smith (Scarecrow), Lindsey Solomon and Caroline Jackson (Glinda), Elena Ontiveros and Michelle Patton (Wicked Witch) and Camille Comer and Samantha Porter (Toto).
One group will perform for April 6 shows and the other on April 7.
Drama teacher Dwayne Craft is director. The staff includes Alaina Boukedes and Brigham Parker, student directors; Lex Morton, technical director; Jake McClellan, lighting; Janee Donaldson, sound; Shari Kingsford, costume designer; and Ian Reed and Kendall Kingsford, student costumers.
“As we all expect, Mr. Craft and his student technicians have created an outstanding set,” she said. Set changes, “in the blink of an eye,” include the farmhouse, yellow brick road and a witch’s dark lair. “Intelligent lights make the tornado.”
Bob Jones has never performed “Oz.” “I sincerely hope it won’t be the last,” Davis said.
Showtimes are 2 and 7 p.m. on April 6-7. Tickets are $10, and $8 for students and senior citizens. The box office opens one hour before curtain call.