YMCA pushing people ‘over the edge’
Want to throw your boss off the top of a building? Raise $1,500 and go right ahead.
The Heart of the Valley YMCA is hosting Over the Edge in Huntsville, a fundraising event that allows one to rappel 12 stories down the historic Times Building. The YMCA is allotting 80 spots to those who raise at least $1,500. Proceeds from the fundraiser will provide free memberships and camps for families of those deployed in the military; make childcare affordable to single-parent families and fund Go!Kids, a program that fights childhood obesity.
“The Y was looking for a signature event that would fit our mission, get the community talking about our focus areas and community impact as well as appeal to our community’s cutting edge nature and commitment to giving back,” said Brenda Hennessee, director of strategic initiatives. “We felt Over the Edge met all of these criteria perfectly.”
Whether you’re tossing your boss, catapulting a co-worker, propelling a pal, flinging a family member or taking the plunge with a significant other, all are welcome.
Over the Edge USA is a professional company that conducts these types of events nationwide, and Heart of the Valley YMCA has the first exclusive license in the state of Alabama, according to Hennessee.
Those wanting to participate can sign up as a team or individual. Register at Yohsv.com and commit to your fundraising goal of $1,500 minimum. You then have to build your webpage and ask friends, family and co-workers to donate. Spectators are encouraged to attend the event.
Over the Edge will be held from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., June 15 at 228 Holmes Ave.
There will also be an Extreme Street Fair from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. featuring activities for the whole family including the U.S. Army Recruiting Brigade Hummer3 and U.S. Space and Rocket Center simulators. Nonprofit organizations and others who benefit the community will share information about their services and provide activities for kids and families.
For more information, contact Brenda Hennessee at (256) 541-8785 or email her at Brenda.hennessee@ymcahuntsville.org.