Open Letter from Superintendent Fowler Regarding Controversy
March 28, 2013
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope you are all enjoying spring break. Please allow me to infringe on your break for a moment to bring you up to speed on a topic that has garnered national attention.
The controversy centers around an Easter egg hunt for the second grade and kindergarten classes at Heritage Elementary School. The activity was planned but the principal stepped in and asked that the activity not occur because the activity carried the title Easter. As you know, we walk a fine line in public education working to stay within the guidelines of recent court decisions. After conversation, it was decided that the hunt was not in violation of any policies or procedures, and that it could proceed as planned. I am pleased to inform you that it took place last week before we dismissed for spring break.
At a previously planned elementary principals’ meeting last week, I informed the principals that in Madison City we would continue to have seasonal celebrations and activities such as Christmas gifts and Easter egg hunts. These traditions are a part of our rich heritage and I do not see them as infringing on ones’ religious rights. Additionally words such as Christmas and Easter are not banned at our schools.
In all the national media reports they fail to mention that the Easter egg hunt occurred last week and that all our elementary principals have been advised that seasonal activities are acceptable. Sorry to disturb your break but I wanted you to be informed.
Dee O. Fowler
Superintendent of Education
Madison City Schools