Alabama Patriots win Mid-South baseball tourney
MADISON – The Alabama Patriots, with players from Madison and across North Alabama, won the Mid-South Super NIT baseball tournament in Southaven, Miss.
This tourney was affiliated with the United States Specialty Sports Association (USSSA) and was played May 10-12.
Alabama Patriots, a travel baseball team for 11-year-olds and younger, have three players from Madison. Other cities represented are Hazel Green, two; Monrovia/Harvest, two; New Market, one; Russellville, one; and Huntsville, two.
Alabama Patriots players are Camden Hill, Caden Rose and Slate Alford of Madison, Logan Morris, Avery Seaton, Andy Hufford, Colin Baeder, Braidden Broussard, Harrison Steward, Wade Passler, and Dylan Ray.
“This past weekend, the 11U Alabama Patriots won the 11U ‘Major’ USSSA Mid-South Southaven, Mississippi Super NIT baseball tournament with 24 teams from nine different states,” coach Jamie Hill said. Hill works as coordinator of special education for Madison City Schools.
“The Patriots went 5-1, scoring 61 runs while allowing only 13 through 6 games,” Hill said. “The tournament was a Disney World Elite World Series qualifier to be held Aug. 3-10 in Orlando. Current record is 32-12 in the ‘Major’ division, the highest competitive classification in each age group.”
Slate Alford hit four home runs — two in one game. Scoring one homerun each were Avery Seaton, Caden Rose, Braiden Broussard and Harrison Steward.
The Patriots ranked with best scoring at 10.166, along with the best differential at 8.
In other team accomplishments, Slate Alford, Dylan Ray, Caden Rose and Harrison Steward qualified for the All Tournament Team at the North Dog Days of Summer Shootout 2013. Logan Morris and Dylan Ray qualified for the All Tournament Team at the 2012 Spring Challenge.
Headquartered in Osceola County, Florida, the United States Specialty Sports Association is the world’s largest multi-sport athletic organization. Founded in 1968, the association has grown to more than 3.7 million participants, competing in 13 nationally sanctioned sports including baseball, fast pitch, slow pitch, karate, basketball and soccer.
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