Madison elementary recruits fathers as role models on campus
MADISON – Madison Elementary School hopes to involve students’ fathers more in school life and literally be a BMOC (Big Man on Campus).
“Donuts for Dads ” will be held at Madison Elementary School on Oct. 24 at 7:45 a.m. We’re calling all dads, granddads, step-dads and uncles,” assistant principal Britt Lovelace said. “We will have a special treat for you and your student.”
School leaders are recruiting male role models to volunteer. “The hospitality committee with chairman Reba Moorer is planning a fantastic event,” Lovelace said.
Students will decorate the library for the event, using decorations based on children’s literature. With the help of Madison PTA members, students will trim scarecrows to represent their favorite books.
A student’s father can help in numerous ways at their child’s school. Traffic directors for the car line in the morning and afternoon always are needed. “We’re looking for morning greeters, too,” Lovelace said.
To promote a lifelong interest, dads can read books or other literature aloud to kindergartners and first-graders, who always enjoy this experience. For the more athletic-minded, fathers can assist in physical education classes.
One-on-one tutoring will help a student who is lagging in a subject. “Eating lunch with your child’s class” is a positive experience, Lovelace said.
In addition, fathers can help in the library to check books in and out, handle book and computer carts and assist students. “You can talk to classes about your career,” she said. School teams, clubs and groups pursuing academic interests need solid role models as leaders.
“We cannot wait to see our dads on Oct. 24th. Remember … ‘Madison is marvelous,” Lovelace said in quoting the school motto.
For other activities, Madison elementary teachers and students will sponsor their annual “Treat Trail” on Oct. 25 from 6 to 8 p.m.