Discovery to host ‘Day of Honor’ on Friday
MADISON – Veterans will be given well-deserved praise during “Day of Honor” at Discovery Middle School.
The hour-long, school-wide assembly on Nov. 8 will start at 10 a.m. “We want to let our veterans know how much we appreciate them,” math teacher Anthony Graham said. Graham sponsors the boys in RUFF (Ready yoUrself For the Future), who will coordinate the program for the school this year.
Discovery is inviting all active-duty military personnel or anyone who has served in the military. “We will have patriotic music, speeches from students and a heroes’ flash mob,” Graham said.
RUFF members encourage everyone to wear patriotic colors of red, white and blue or camouflage. “We want to give veterans and military members in active duty a day to remember by thanking them with poems, music, dances and speeches,” Graham said.
Madison Mayor Troy Trulock will participate in Discovery’s Day of Honor. Semper Fi representative Kenny Watts will bring 10 soldiers in the Wounded Warriors organization to the event.
For entertainment, the Discovery Band will perform “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “Taps” and other patriotic music. Monroe Murray is director.
One highlight of the event will be a flash mob with about 200 students and teachers. “They will dance to ‘Living in America’ by James Brown. The mob is 100 percent created and led by students,” Graham said.
For organizing the event, Graham gives most of the credit to the Discovery students. Leslie Chu created the official T-shirt. Raquel Spiegel’s art class created all posters for Day of Honor.
Individuals who plan to attend should send email to Graham at