Madison Cross Roads elementary honored as Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School
TONEY – Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Inc. has selected Madison Cross Roads Elementary School as a 2013 Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School.
Madison Cross Roads Elementary School has been named a 2013 Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School. (CONTRIBUTED)
“Congratulations to principal Mitzi Dennis and the Madison Cross Roads faculty and staff for such an accomplishment,” Geraldine Tibbs said. Tibbs works as public relations director for Madison County Schools.
The Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence program supports improved student performance and quality school reform. Selected schools complete a comprehensive self-assessment.
“We are greatly honored to recognize Madison Cross Roads as such a deserving school working so diligently to fulfill the many learning needs of students,” Blue Ribbon president and CEO Bart Teal said.
The Blue Ribbon organization identifies and selects schools for the award based on nine major categories in its “Blueprint for Excellence,” Teal said.
Before recognizing a school, Blue Ribbon officials review patterns for student focus and support and the school’s organization and culture, along with standards that challenge and enhance curriculum. Other factors include active teaching and learning, integration of technology and the school’s professional community.
In addition, Blue Ribbon schools must demonstrate leadership and educational vitality; partnerships both within the school population, among families and in the community; and positive indicators of success.
“A Blue Ribbon Lighthouse School serves as a beacon of exemplary achievements and contributions to ensure successful educational experiences for all children by shining a positive light on America’s best schools and programs that work,” Teal said.
Madison Cross Roads will receive the award at the national conference for Blue Ribbon Schools Blueprint for Excellence at Disney World on Dec. 10-13.
Madison Cross Roads’ address is 11548 Pulaski Pike in Toney. Part of the Madison County Schools district, Madison Cross Roads serves grades K-5. For more information, call 256-828-4578 or visit
The headquarters for Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence are in Ballentine, S.C. For more information, visit