Madison faculties, students help St. Jude patients
MADISON – Young patients at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tenn. will benefit from the philanthropy of students, teachers and administrators in Madison City Schools.
Joy Brindley, second from right, congratulates Jonathan Tatum, from left, Dylan Harbour, Max Vandeberg and Jordan Harper at the “Strike Out Cancer Bowl-a-Thon” for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. (CONTRIBUTED)
St. Jude’s staff has treated at least one student from all 11 Madison schools, public relations manager John Peck said.
Physical education teachers in Madison coordinated the first-ever “Strike Out Cancer Bowl-a-Thon” at Madison Bowling Center on Nov. 23. The P.E. teachers collaborated with center director Mary Estes.
Originally, “the event was planned to provide children in Madison an opportunity for physical activity, fun and service to the community,” Joy Brindley said. Brindley teaches P.E. at West Madison Elementary School.
“We chose St. Jude as the charity recipient because several Madison students have been treated there,” Brindley said. A total of 130 students participated from Columbia, Horizon, Madison, Mill Creek, Rainbow and West Madison elementary schools and Discovery and Liberty middle schools.
“The Bowl-a-Thon raised $350 for St. Jude. The high scorers received a free game of bowling and a $10 gift card from a local vendor,” Brindley said.
Several teachers have collected pledges to run in the St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend on Dec. 7. Runners also can enter a half-marathon and 5K.
One of Madison runners is Rainbow Principal Dorinda White. Rainbow has used St. Jude fundraising as part of its character education program “to teach students about giving unselfishly,” White said.
“Regardless of tough economic times, children are still diagnosed daily with life-threatening diseases such as cancer. Those children and their families can’t afford to wait until things get better,” White said.
Columbia held a Cutest Pet Contest to generate funds for St. Jude.
Cumulatively, Madison City Schools campaigns have raised about $250,000 for St. Jude, director of student services Dennis James said. Central Office staff also donated to the cause.
Late comedian Danny Thomas founded St. Jude in 1962, and his daughter Marlo Thomas has perpetuated his goals. The hospital accepts all patients, regardless of ability to pay.
To donate to St. Jude, visit