Library offers ‘homework haven’ for teens
MADISON – That dreaded math test is approaching, and this teenager really needs some buckled-down studying. Madison Public Library’s answer is “Homework Haven.”
Homework Haven hopefully “will encourage teens to use the library as what it was originally intended to be: a place for knowledge and information seeking,” youth services librarian Rebecca Doom. “For some teens, it may be difficult to find a quiet place to study that also provides them with information for varying projects and test prep.”
Homework Haven aims to provide that space in the teen area and that information, should they need or want it, Doom said. “While teens are more than welcome to use any section of the library at any time during library hours, having a dedicated schoolwork time is a welcome and necessary offering during the school year.”
Sixth-graders and older can take advantage of Homework Haven on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 6 p.m. An RSVP isn’t required.
Teens studying in group at the library can access websites, books for reference backup and librarians “who can point them in the right direction,” Doom said. Other tools include the photocopiers, printers and their library cards.
“Madison Public Library is available to help the teen community. Homework Haven is just one way to address the needs of these users in a flexible, welcoming manner,” Doom said.
Using Mozart pieces as background music, Doom has witnessed higher concentration for the students.
Starting in January 2014, a special monthly session will discuss teen-pertinent subjects. One example is preparing for the ACT with a presentation about the Learning Express database and other sources.
“In March, we’ll include a presentation about study techniques. In April, we’ll again turn to the Learning Express to discover the different advanced-placed testing resources,” Doom said.
Other sessions will explore resumes and applications and essays for college admission.
For more information, call Doom at 256-461-0046, email to or visit Facebook/ MadisonLibrary YouthDept.