Winter break starts Friday for Madison City Schools
MADISON – Madison City Schools will dismiss for winter holidays after a half-day on Dec. 20.
Pre-kindergarten classes will dismiss at 10:30 a.m., followed by elementary schools at 11 a.m. Buses will run normal routes. Middle and high schools will dismiss at 11:45 a.m.
Elementary schools will not have extended-day services on Dec. 20.
Parents should notify the classroom teacher if their child will take a different mode of transportation on Dec. 20. For example, if parents will pick up their child who normally rides the bus, contact his or her classroom teacher in advance.
Before the break starts, Madison high school students will have final exams for first- and second-block classes on Dec. 19. This date is a full day of school, because students will review for exams in their third- and fourth-block classes. Students will take exams for third- and fourth-block classes on Dec. 20.
Students who want to check out after exams were required to present a written excuse from the parent to the attendance office last week. On Dec. 19, Bob Jones or James Clemens high schools will not accept phone calls or notes for a student to check out; parents must physically come to campus to check out a student.
Similarly on Dec. 20, school policy states that a parent must come to campus to sign out a student who wants to leave early. The school staff will not accept phone calls and notes to check out a student that day.
Students will return to school on Friday, Jan. 3 for the second semester of the 2013-2014 school year. Teachers will report on Jan. 2.