Jah, Richardson give elementary perspective for new year
Horizon Principal Rodney Richardson kisses Bentley the pig with assistance from Madisen Reece. (PHOTO/AMY WILLIAMS)
MADISON – Two principals of elementary schools in Madison took time during their winter break to give updates for their campuses.
Dr. Daphne P. Jah is principal at West Madison Elementary School. “What I look forward to for our school is continued success in the implementation of the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards (CCRS),” Jah said.
“Alabama has chosen to use College and Career Readiness Standards. (The state) has added some skills and requirements to Common Core in math and other areas,” Jah said.
At West Madison, Jah and her staff plan to continue “to align what we have our students do with what they will be asked to do in their futures,” she said.
Another goal is to “provide the beginnings of innovation for our students through increased collaboration and Science Technology Engineering and Math ( STEM) activities,” Jah said.
During 2014, the upper-grade students at West Madison will participate in a science fair. “Our students in grades K-1 will participate in Spanish lessons this semester,” Jah said.
Rodney Richardson is principal at Horizon Elementary School. “The best of 2013 for Horizon was the leadership shown by the students through the various community and service projects,” Richardson said.
“I’m so proud of each and every one of our students,” Richardson said.
Horizon fifth-graders took their annual field trip to Camp McDowell in Nauvoo and then recorded and presented iMovies of research prompted from camp. For “Cans for a Cause,” Horizon second-graders collected 697 cans of food for the Downtown Rescue Mission.
Richardson praised the faculty and staff at Horizon for “continuing daily to display leadership, synergy and a win-win attitude, despite the circumstances. ‘They rock!’ In addition, I’m equally excited and thankful for the commitment, dedication and the partnership from the parents of Horizon.”
For 2014, Horizon is going to continue “Putting First Things First,” Richard said about their school mantra. “We will strive with excellence to complete the second half of this school year.”