Linguist, author Davis to speak at library
Author and linguist John William Davis will visit Madison Public Library on Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Madison Public Library will host an upcoming visit by author and linguist John William Davis.
Davis will give a presentation about his book, “Rainy Street Stories,” on Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. He also will discuss the importance of language study.
“Mr. Davis is a gifted linguist,” library programming clerk Teresa Allison said. “I invited all of the foreign language and history teachers at Madison high schools. I hope teens will attend.”
In “Rainy Street Stories,” Davis uses his experience as a retired intelligence officer to merge powerful reflections on today’s espionage, terrorism and secret wars. Davis’ stories, essays and poems are set in Europe, Asia and back to the Americas.
“He lived overseas for many years, where he served as a soldier, civil servant and gifted linguist,” Allison said. “Davis writes with a thoughtful, compassionate and fair assessment of his lifetime lived during wars and conflicts which were his generation’s legacy from World War II.”
Causing the reader to think, Davis recounts mysterious, sometimes strangely suggestive, and puzzling tales.
He uses his experience in unusual circumstances, unexpected conversations, chance meetings and visits to historical sites. “He carefully listened to others who experienced history, human nature and international events,” Allison said.
Davis’ writing speculates about people, interprets events and questions motives. “These are not writings to be read in a night but to be reflected upon over the coming years,” Allison said.
In his hometown of St. Louis, Davis graduated from Washington University. He is a retired U.S. Army officer and federal civil servant. His travels have brought Davis in contact with multitudes of different people in unlikely circumstances.
Davis and wife Jane live in Athens and are parents of three adult sons.
“Rainy Streets Stories” is available on