Patriot Players to reprise “The Last Illusion,” seek donations for SETC
Bob Jones Patriot Players will perform “The Last Illusion” at SETC in Mobile on March 7. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Bob Jones Patriot Players are working to pay $40,000 in expenses to seize regional honors at the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC), “the SEC championship for the arts.”
That’s the description drama instructor Dwayne Craft gives to SETC, the nation’s largest drama competition. Residents can show support by enjoying “The Last Illusion” benefit performances on Feb. 21 and 22 at 7 p.m. in Zompa Auditorium.
“The Last Illusion” depicts Harry Houdini’s life of magic. “It’s the final time we’ll perform the play for a Madison audience,” drama teacher Mary Davis said.
Businesses can endow individual sponsorships. At SETC and years afterwards, Bob Jones students will wear show T-shirts with the business’ name. “The community notices when businesses support things in which they are interested and invested,” Craft said.
In addition, Shaggy’s will donate for purchases on Feb. 18.
Bob Jones earned “Best Play” with “The Last Illusion” at the 2013 Alabama Conference of Theatre and advanced to represent Alabama among SETC’s 10 states.
“Every play selected to represent Alabama at SETC has gone on to compete and win in other states,” Craft said. “Our play from two years ago is among eight selected from 208 to compete in Minnesota’s top-tier theatre competition.”
At SETC, Bob Jones will perform on March 7 at the Mobile Civic Center. Held March 5-9, SETC includes college scholarship auditions and festivals for professional, community, high school and youth theatre.
“The arts are the perfect adjunct to the 21s-century job skills we’re teaching in Madison City Schools,” Craft said. “It’s no longer STEM, but now it is STEAM (Science, Technology Engineering, the Arts and Math). SETC means validation that the dynamic, creative thinking in Madison is being realized.”
“If you want creative-thinking, problem-solving, team-building employees for your business, get in the act and help these kids by being part of our theatre community,” Craft said.
Tickets are available from drama students, at the show or by calling 256-772-2547. To make donations, call Craft at 256-679-7794 or Davis at 256-679-6687.