Prescription take-back initiative planned for April 26
MADISON – Residents can “can turn in your pills and shred your bills” on April 26.
That’s how Candice Dunaway, assistant director with Partnership for a Drug-Free Community, describes the local effort for the National Take-Back Initiative.
Four sites across Madison County will collect expired or unused prescription pills for safe disposal:
* Madison — Madison Police Department, 100 Hughes Road
* Madison County — CVS Pharmacy, 12275 Hwy. 231, Meridianville
* Huntsville — Jaycees’ Building, 2180 Airport Road and U.S. Space & Rocket Center. The space center also will accept documents for shredding.
Take-back hours will be 9 a.m. to noon on April 26. Locally, the partnership has teamed up with the Better Business Bureau and city and county law enforcers for the initiative.
Since 2011, more than 6,100 pills have been collected by local take-back efforts. The federal Drug Enforcement Administration coordinates the take-back.
For more information, call the Partnership for a Drug-Free Community at 256-539-7339 or email to