DI teams need funds for global finals in Knoxville
At regional competition, the “Gummy Bears Apocalypse” third-grade team from West Madison Elementary School has fun at a photo booth. The team includes coach Julie Hinz, at left; Harley Dauma and Ben Crouse, front; Ileen Pour Biazar and Anahita Pour Biazar, center; and Savannah Gaertner, Kamryn Hailey and Rebecca Coffey, back. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Youngsters in several Destination Imagination teams in Madison currently are raising needed funds to enter the DI Global Finals 2015 in Knoxville.
A record number of teams have registered for the finals on May 20-23 at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. The contest is dubbed as “the world’s largest celebration of creativity.” (destinationimagination.org)
DI teams from Bob Jones high, Discovery middle and West Madison elementary schools are selling tickets to the Belk Charity Sale on May 2. Tickets are $5, which is deducted from the day’s first purchase.
“Plus, the ticket gives 20 to 70 percent off throughout the store at any Belk location on May 2,” Bob Jones and Discovery DI coach Robin Dauma said. “Charity sale shoppers also receive special savings on rarely discounted merchandise.”
A rummage sale in the Bob Jones cafeteria on May 9 will run from 7 a.m. to noon. A car wash will be held in the front parking lot from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. West Madison will sell baked treats. Individuals can donate rummage sale items on May 8 from 4 to 7 p.m.
To help local organizations’ events, DI supporters can supply low-sugar and regular shaved ice for crowds up to 300 people. Contact Dauma by emailing to rdauma@madisoncity.k12.al.us.
Both Bob Jones and Discovery students will benefit from “DI Spirit Day” at Zen Beri on May 19.
West Madison’s “Gummy Bears Apocalypse” third-grade team has opened a GoFundMe account at gofundme.com/gummybears. They will share profits at Pizza Inn on May 7 from 4 to 9 p.m. and Zen Beri on May 12 from 4 to 8 p.m.
“We’re selling Stevi B’s tickets, including coupons for free buffets and free tokens,” West Madison coach Wendy Tibbs said. They are having sales for Thirty-One Bag and Jamberry Nail Wrap (mythirtyone.com/320717/shop/Party/EventDetail/8183324), (wtibbs.jamberrynails.net/party/?uid=189c48bf-120c-4eab-bed4-65a18242868d).
“We’re selling shaved ice at our Field Day on May 19,” Tibbs said.
Tax-deductible donation checks from corporations, organizations and individuals can be mailed to Bob Jones, Discovery or West Madison.