Curtis builds homes in Nicaragua
Matt Curtis takes a break from homebuilding with Giveback Homes in Nicaragua to accept a hug from a young girl. (CONTRIBUTED)
MADISON – Matt Curtis has made a concrete commitment for decent housing for Nicaraguan families.
Curtis, who owns Matt Curtis Real Estate Inc., was the first realtor to join Giveback Homes, which connects needy families and business professionals and partners with Habitat for Humanity Nicaragua.
Curtis describes his involvement as “divine intervention.” He randomly discovered the charity in a magazine. He accepted an invitation for a building trip, which “was literally a life-changing moment.”
Curtis has kept his pledge to build a home in Nicaragua for every 100 homes that he sells. “Last year, we donated funds to build two homes. Due to a donation by David Perkins of State Farm and a government grant, we built an additional five homes after we hit 50 sales in March,” he said.
“God laid it on my heart to do more after I got back. We’ve now donated funds for a total of 27 homes since 2014,” Curtis said.
In early May, he flew into Managua and traveled about one hour to reach the remote village, La Gallina, to build a home for 68-year-old Josefa, who lives with three sons, two daughters and one granddaughter. They also worked in the Km 54 community near Masachapa.
Curtis mixed and poured concrete, carried concrete blocks, worked on scaffolds, sifted sand and mixed and applied mortar.
Curtis hopes other Alabamians will help. Preventable diseases kill one out of four Nicaraguan children before five years old. Affordable housing would eliminate diseases, he said.
“Children do their homework while rain pours through leaky roofs. Many kids never learn to crawl because of diseases in dirt floors. Eighty percent of girls are afraid of rape due to lack of door locks and close living quarters. Children die by falling into latrine pits,” Curtis said.
“For $5,000, you can change a family tree in Nicaragua and provide affordable housing,” he said.
Curtis and wife Courtney have three children: Calli, 10, Bryce, 8, and Macy, 4.
Curtis is accepting speaking engagements. Call 256-270-9393, email to or visit or Facebook/Matt Curtis Restate.