American Legion sets Memorial Day program
American Legion, Post 229 has planned a patriotic and entertaining ceremony for Memorial Day on May 30. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – American Legion, Post 229 of Madison has announced program details for its annual Memorial Day Ceremony.
The event on May 30 will open at 11 a.m. at Madison City Veteran Park at the corner of Front and Church streets in downtown Madison. As the audience gathers, Madison Community Band will play music for reflection.
For a rousing start, Madison Community Band will perform “Armed Forces Salute,” and veterans will be asked to stand and sing their service song when the band plays that particular anthem.
Retired Lt. Col. Larry Vannoy, who serves as Adjutant for Post 229, will welcome the audience. The Army Junior ROTC Color Guard from James Clemens High School will present “Posting of the Colors.”
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Rocket City Chorus and Southern Splendor Chorus will sing, “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Dewey Cockman, Chaplain for Post 229, will give the invocation.
Cherish Croft with Post 229 will read “In Flanders Field.” In a combined performance, Madison Community Band will play “Duty, Honor, Country” as Lawrence Frakes recites the poem.
“In his 1962 acceptance of the Sylvanus Thayer Award, General Douglas MacArthur rendered a moving speech based upon these three words (Duty, Honor, Country),” Post 229 Commander Carlos Woods said. “The words of that speech have been adapted by B.G. Cook and set to music by Harold Walters. We hope that you will be inspired by the rendition of that speech by Larry Frakes and the Madison Community Band.”
Next, Mayor Troy Trulock will offer his remarks. Rocket City and Southern Splendor will sing “God Bless America.”
James Vance, 1st Vice Commander with Post 229, will introduce the featured speaker. Col. John Kuenzli, who is Commander of AMC LOGSA, will present “What Memorial Day Means To Me.”
Kuenzli and Trulock will then post the wreath to honor fallen soldiers, as trumpet players in Madison Community Band perform “Echo Taps.
Woods will give closing remarks, and James Clemens Color Guard will “Retire the Colors.” As exit music, Madison Community Band will play “Carlisle March.”
“Citizens of Madison, come out and join us,” Woods said. For more information, call Woods at 256-508-6548 or email