Bolton’s project stands as Gold Award model
For her Gold Award project in Girl Scouts, Alexi Bolton, seated second from left, organized a performing arts camp in summer 2015 at The Dance Company. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – Alexandra ‘Alexi’ Bolton conceptualized and organized a unique project to earn Girl Scouts’ Gold Award. However, Bolton didn’t realize her project was so outstanding that Girl Scouts would later use it as a model.
In 2015 as a senior at Bob Jones High School, Bolton staged a performing arts camp for her Gold Award project. She invited Girls Inc. members to the free camp at The Dance Company.
Campers studied four hours daily, with another hour for lunch and activities. Bob Jones’ advanced production cast taught drama principles, scene construction and acting techniques for one-minute monologues.
The Dance Company owners Beth Cannon and Julie George taught hour-long jazz lessons. Instructor Haylee Blackmon taught hip-hop.
“The program not only inspired the girls who participated to continue to pursue theatre and dance, but it left many of the theatre and dance teachers wanting to continue to encourage and inspire young girls,” Brittani Harris with the Girl Scout organization said.
“When most people think of Girl Scouts, they likely think of ‘cookies and camping,’ all important components of the Girl Scout experience. But arguably the part of Girl Scouting with the most impact is earning the Girl Scout Gold Award,” Harris said.
“Comparable to Boy Scouts’ Eagle Scout, the prestigious Gold Award represents the highest achievement in Girl Scouting and challenges girls ages 14 to 17 to initiate meaningful, sustainable change locally, nationally and/or globally through unique ‘Take Action’ projects of their own creation,” Harris said.
Recently, Bolton finished her freshman year at the University of Alabama and has founded Inspired Arts, a 501(c)3 organization to continue her performing arts camp. Several friends are returning to help with this year’s camp: Cristina Bolton, Caroline Cannon, Olivia Carroll, Emeline Earman and Alex Troupe.
Her parents are Roger and Sandy Bolton. Alexi’s sister Cristina attends Bob Jones.
This year marks the centennial anniversary of the Gold Award. For information about Gold Award projects, email