Council delays operating agreement for rec center
John Hitt with Volkert & Associates project managers and Rob VanPeursem with Nola | VanPeursem Architects present an overview of the natatorium and recreation facility on Celtic Drive. RECORD PHOTOS/GREGG L. PARKER
MADISON – Swimming was the major topic at Madison City Council’s meeting on July 11.
District 2 Councilman Steve Smith removed the resolution to approve sublease and operating agreement with Madison Fieldhouse LLC for the natatorium and recreation center, currently under construction, on Celtic Drive.
“The lease agreement with Fieldhouse is not complete,” Smith said. “It’s about 95 percent complete.” The agreement with Fieldhouse will cost nothing “to manage the recreation center. Fieldhouse is willing to pay 74 percent of Madison’s bond payment for the center.”
Smith first met Fieldhouse LLC representatives during swim meets at a similar facility in Franklin, Tenn. After lengthy discussions with Madison officials, Fieldhouse has agreed to manage Madison’s recreation facility.
“We can create a revenue stream with the center,” Smith said. Garner Street will be extended from downtown to Madison Boulevard, allowing pedestrians to visit restaurants and businesses. Retail stores and hotels often build near Fieldhouse facilities.
“We can have a first-class facility that brings people from across the nation,” Smith said. “Fieldhouse guys are not a bunch of yahoos up in Franklin that don’t know what they’re doing. Fieldhouse has never asked for a dime.”
“We have the same partnership now as we did with (building) Dublin … landowners and the city,” Mayor Troy Trulock said.
Dr. Terri Johnson spoke on behalf of swim teams at Madison’s four secondary schools. “I’m very discouraged you have pulled the resolution for the … pool. Please make a decision, one way or another,” Johnson said.
Johnson recapped the pool’s history from 2012 when “we realized as a school district that the YMCA has not going to build a (25-yard competition) pool. Madison City Schools (MCS) committed $3 million in BRAC money for the pool, but council said the city and MCS should collaborate. At request of mayor and council, we started working together … and a memorandum of understanding was passed.”
About 18 months later, “the pool has not been started. Our swim community has had a lot of broken promises,” Johnson said.
Council approved ground-lease agreement for recreation campus property from MCS to City of Madison ($1 ‘arbitrary’ fee) and then relay that land to redevelopment authority.
Council approved a conditional award, based partly on approval by City Council on an agreement with Fieldhouse or other outside entity, for the recreation campus to Lee Builders Inc. at approximately $23 million.
A payment of $33,500 went to Volkert & Associates for construction management for the recreation center.
District 7 Councilwoman Ronica Ondocsin said city employees will change to Alabama Local Government Health Insurance Program, a different Blue Cross plan. The city will pay the entire premium for single employees, who formerly paid $74/month. Family plan costs $164, compared to $500-plus/month.
Alex Riley with Madison Up!, an organization that mentors teenagers, addressed national events with police and citizen shootings. “Madison needs to take more of an initiative to get back together,” Riley said.
Council renewed agreements with Madison Softball League and American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO).