League hosts ‘Learn to Play Chess Night’
Coach Noel Newquist and Executive Director Ranae Bartlett with Madison City Chess League, front center, speak at the 2015 Learn to Play Chess Night. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – Boys and girls who want to learn to play chess have a perfect opportunity on Sept. 15.
Madison City Chess League will host its annual Learn to Play Chess Night from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at Mill Creek Elementary School, 847 Mill Road. The session is free.
Students in grades K-12 are welcome. Participants and volunteers must register online. Visit madisonchess.com and click to link to the registration page.
“Parents can learn to play also by sitting with their child during the lesson,” Bartlett said. “Or, they can attend a parent meeting led by me. I’ll share information on how they can help their children develop their chess-playing skills,” Bartlett said.
Students who already know how to play chess can volunteer. “Madison City Chess League asks students who are members of their school chess teams to register to volunteer during the event,” Bartlett said.
At Learn to Play Chess Night, a student volunteer will sit opposite the student who is learning to play and assist as the instructor directs activity. Bartlett suggests wearing league or chess team shirts. Volunteers should arrive by 5:30 p.m. and sign in.
“Student volunteers really make this event a success. We’re always grateful to our wonderful students who give back to their community by sharing their knowledge and skill during this event,” Bartlett said.
In other news, the chess league now is meeting at Dublin Park, 8324 Old Madison Pike for regular Monday night sessions from 6:30 to 8 p.m. These sessions also are free.
Players will use meeting rooms between the gym and pool. “Parents can sign their child in to play chess and can stay, or run an errand if they leave their cell phone numbers,” Bartlett said.
“A big thank you goes out to the City of Madison and Dublin Park for hosting our Monday night meetings,” Bartlett said. “The league also would like to thank Hogan Family YMCA for hosting our chess nights for (almost three years). As both the YMCA and league memberships continue to grow, we hope this move will be more convenient for members of both organizations.”
For more information, email mccl.director@gmail.com or visit madisonchess.com.