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Logan led troops in Germany, worked in D.C.
Lieutenant Colonel John Logan prepares a lobster feast for a family gathering. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – Lieutenant Colonel John Logan’s military career led him to serve in Germany and work with various command agencies in Washington D.C.
“When I graduated from college, I was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant (2/LT) in the Army Transportation Corps. I reported for active duty at Fort Eustis, Va. to attend the Transportation Officers Orientation Course on Oct. 16, 1962 — the week of the Cuban Missile Crisis,” Logan said.
Logan’s next assignment was to a medium truck company in Mannheim, Germany. During this three-year tour, he served as platoon leader, battalion personnel officer and company commander.
“When I left active duty in 1965, I joined the Alabama National Guard for two years with assignments as a Signal Officer,” he said. “I transferred to the Army Reserve, completed the Transportation Advanced Course, and the Command and General Staff College.”
From this point, Logan held various active duty assignments with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) and served on the staff of the commanding general of the Military Transportation Management Command (MTMC) in Washington D.C.
Logan retired with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
In civilian employment, Logan worked with Teledyne Brown Engineering from 1966 until his retirement in 2005 as Director of Human Resources.
“My wife Lois and I moved from southeast Huntsville to Madison in 2000,” he said. “We really enjoy the community.”
He attended Florence State College (now the University of North Alabama) and received a bachelor’s degree in business administration. With Southeastern Institute of Technology, Logan earned a master’s degree in organizational development.
“My wife and I have three daughters: Andrea who lives in Atlanta; and Pamela and Elizabeth, who live in Denver. Our three grandchildren are Logan, 25, Freeman, 21, and Lyla, 11,” he said.
“I do annual volunteer work raising funds for families with children with cancer,” Logan said. “I golf regularly and am an avid University of Alabama football fan.”