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Jets plan ‘Give Back Homecoming Parade’
Snoopy from the “Peanuts” gang flies high on his doghouse on a float at the 2015 James Clemens homecoming parade. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – Following up on two successful years, the third annual “Give Back Homecoming Parade” for James Clemens High School will ease on down the road on Oct. 13.
That ‘road’ is County Line Road this year, starting at 5:30 p.m. at Heritage Elementary School and marching/driving south on County Line Road to the Jets campus at 11306 County Line Road.
“In our third year of existence, the problem of how to do homecoming floats once again raised its ugly head,” sponsor and math department head Melanie Turner said. “We didn’t want lame floats, but we didn’t want to use large amounts of time and money to build great ones.”
The Jets population wanted a public statement “that we were proud to put the James Clemens name on but also be responsible with our resources. Tradition demanded that we do this homecoming parade thing, but it just didn’t fit us,” Turner said.
“What if we used float materials that could be donated when we were through with them? What if we used our time and resources to do something to help others and to give back to our community? That fit! That’s what James Clemens is all about,” she said.
For the 2016 parade, all James Clemens classes are collecting donations for the Downtown Rescue Mission in Huntsville.
The senior class decided on “Buck the Bucks” for its float theme to show how the Jets will win over the ‘Bucks’ from Buckhorn High School. Seniors are taking cash donations. “Wipe the Field with the Bucks” is the junior class theme; they’re collecting paper supplies.
Sophomores will “Tame the Bucks” with their float, and they’re collecting hygiene items. “Drown the Bucks” is the freshmen’s slogan for their float.
Ninth-graders are asking for bottled water for Downtown Rescue Mission.
“We’ll have students walking in the parade handing out balloons to parade-goers for a donation to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Turner said.
In addition, Jet Wildlife Club and Junior Civitan will collect toiletries for Manna House; DD Department, toilet paper; cafeteria employees, “Stuffing the Bucks” for food staples for Heritage Church food pantry; Interact Club, socks and blankets.
Liberty Middle School students are assisting, particularly Liberty Men Of Destiny.
James Clemens students hope residents will bring donations to campus and buy St. Jude balloons at the parade, Turner said.