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Council, mayor sworn in
Members of Madison City Council and mayor were sworn into office on Nov. 7. RECORD PHOTOS/GREGG L. PARKER
MADISON – On the eve of the presidential election, new members of Madison City Council and the mayor officially accepted their offices in their swearing-in ceremony at Madison City Hall.
State Sen. Bill Holtzclaw served as master of ceremonies. In dress uniform, Madison Police and Fire Honor Guard (firefighters Brandon Burgess and Matthew Cochran and police officers Christopher Townsend, Russell Owens and Terry Johnson) delivered the Presentation of Colors.
Local vocalist Cristina Lynn sang “The National Anthem.” Former Madison City Commissioner BeBe Oetjen led the “Pledge of Allegiance.” Rev. John Ryberg gave the invocation.
“This isn’t just a swearing-in ceremony,” Holtzclaw said. “This is peaceful transition of power and is happening across cities in North Alabama and across all of America. The people spoke and elected this mayor and council.”
Municipal Judge Thomas E. Parker presided for swearing-in duties.
Madison’s new municipal leaders are Mayor Paul Finley and City Council members Maura Wroblewski, District 1; Steve Smith, District 2; Teddy Powell, District 3; Greg Shaw, District 4; Tommy Overcash, District 5; Gerald Clark, District 6; and John Seifert, District 7.
The new council members then took their seats on the dais in Council Chambers.
Finley first acknowledged veterans in attendance. “You give us the ability to have free speech. We appreciate all that you have done.”
Referencing City Council, Finley said, “As far as open communication, they’re in. As far as having team work, they’re in. I cannot wait to work with this team.”
Finley promised he and council will work with Madison Board of Education in finding a new superintendent and resolving the tax issue with Limestone County.
“You can expect open communication. We’re not here to hide anything,” Finley said. Finley promises two hours each week allotted to meet with citizens face-to-face to discuss any concerns.
Finley also recognized administrative assistant Kim Lindsay, who has worked with seven Madison mayors. “Kim makes it easy for us to come in and have an easy transition,” Finley said.
City Clerk Melanie Williard called the organizational meeting to order and asked council for nominations for president. Tommy Overcash was elected unanimously as council president; Gerald Clark was elected President Pro Tempore.
Three positions for the Finance Committee were filled by Teddy Powell, Greg Shaw and Chairman Steve Smith.
A reception followed, courtesy of First Commercial Bank and Greg Machen Photography.