Liberty Middle School, Madison, Madison County Record, News, Schools
Remembering son Adam, Kerbys donate to Liberty
Nelson Brown, Principal of Liberty Middle School, (from left) helps Teri and Jeff Kerby carry in their donations of special needs items in memory of their son Adam. Special education teachers Natalie Lane and Amanda Rae Chatsko also are helping. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – Liberty Middle School received a generous gift for its special education program in memory of former student, Adam Kerby.
Adam’s parents, Jeff and Teri Kerby, played the role of Santa Claus, delivering a truck full of sensory-activity items on Dec. 13 to Liberty’s Developmentally Delayed program. Adam Kerby passed away about two years ago from complications related to his disability.
“Today would have been Adam’s 18th birthday,” Jeff Kerby said. The Kerbys, along with their daughter Autumn and son A.J., distributed iPads with padded cases, special pods for wheelchair-bound kids and other specialized items, including a range of activities for life skills and sensory play.
The Kerbys are involved heavily with the “Ark To The Nations” foundation (, which helps orphans in Africa and other causes like special education programs.
“Adam was moved by the plight of orphans at an early age after his family hosted five orphan boys from Sudan who were traveling with the African Children’s Choir,” Public Relations Manager John S. Peck said. “Adam continued to pray for orphans the rest of his life, which compelled the Kerbys to honor those wishes.”
The ‘Ark’ is an acronym for Adam Reed Kerby’s initials.
Teri Kerby told the DD teachers, Liberty Principal Nelson Brown and students that the gifts were possible from generous support to Ark to the Nations. “This isn’t just from us. It’s from a lot of people. Adam always found joy in the notion of helping others,” Teri said.
“It was an honor and privilege to have Adam in our school system,” Dr. Maria Kilgore said. Kilgore is Director of Special Education for Madison City Schools.
“Even the short time he was with us, we miss him every day. The Kerbys are a fine example of people who can turn tragedy into triumph. These gifts will be a living legacy of Adam,” Kilgore said.
Autumn Kerby, 9, and A.J. Kerby, 7, attend Westminster Christian Academy
For more information about the Ark To The Nations Foundation, visit