Math-A-Palooza contest blends skills with fun
Math-A-Palooza 2017 will be held on March 25 at Bob Jones High School cafeteria. This 2016 photo shows Bob Jones Math Team at University of Alabama’s math tournament: Amelia Goldston, left to right, Aditi Limaye, Corey Tolbert, Alan Grissom, Shantanu Kadam, Winston Van, David Li and Joey Li. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – The third annual Math-A-Palooza contest will surprise youngsters when they realize that they can actually have fun while using arithmetic principles.
Bob Jones High School will host the event in the cafeteria on March 25. All participants should arrive at Bob Jones cafeteria by 8:15 a.m. for check-in.
The test will begin at 8:45 a.m. and will finish by 10 a.m. Activities after the test will conclude with the awards presentation at noon.
Math-A-Palooza registration opened on Feb. 21 and will continue through Feb. 24.
Anyone in third through sixth grade can enter Math-A-Palooza. Math team members and those students who aren’t members of a math team are welcome.
“Put on your competitive hat,” Kimberly Cox said. “We will award medals in each division.” Cox is Math Team sponsor at Bob Jones.
“Do you like creating posters? Then, enter our Prime Poster contest. Posters will be judged for prime-related math content, creativity and presentation,” Cox said. The contest and festivities are open to all students in grades 3-6.
The theme is “2017 – A Prime Year.” “Don’t miss this year’s Math-A-Palooza on the prime date ‘3/2,5/2017.’ Did you know 2017 is prime?” Cox said.
Math-A-Palooza will include a math tournament, Candy Walk, Kahoot game to think fast and answer faster, poster contest and refreshments. In the LEGO room, aspiring architects and builders can hone their expertise “because not every fun thing is indivisible,” Cox said.
“Do you think in black and white? Then, you’ll love the Chess Corner,” she said.
“We are introducing Prime Time rooms where you can learn how to solve the problems on the test. We will provide a free snack for competitors, but we will also have additional snacks for sale for parents and students,” Cox said.
Registration fee is $5. Make checks payable to the child’s school. For more information, parents can talk to their child’s teacher.
For a descriptive video of the event, visit For more information, email