Mathnasium of Madison solves a student’s math needs
3-22 n_Mathnasium.JPG: Linda and Jeff Hussong, owners of Mathnasium of Madison, welcomed their mascot to the grand opening of the center at 51 Nance Road, Suite 101. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON –Mathnasium of Madison adheres to their motto, “We make math make sense!” Owners Linda and Jeff Hussong are committed to helping children and teenagers understand this vital subject in their school curriculum.
“Mathnasium is a ‘Math Only’ learning center. We have individual programs for each child that are based on a very extensive math assessment they take,” Linda Hussong said. “Each child has different skills and different challenges.”
“We work with the student, their parents and their teachers to provide the best possible instruction so we can help them reach their goals in math,” Hussong said.
Students’ needs in mathematics are as diverse as the children. The Hussongs have students that are far more advanced than their peers and need enrichment and challenges in their math advancement. Other students are staying close to their grade level but need help to keep up with math.
“We have students that are not staying up with their peers and need help catching up and filling in the gaps so they can meet their goals,” she said.
Feedback for Mathnasium has been quite positive, and the Hussongs are signing up new students weekly. They know they’ve been successful when they see the child’s “level of enthusiasm for math get greater. Their scores improve at school. Parents take the time to let us know they appreciate what we’re doing for their child,” Hussong said.
“We were nearing a point in our life that we wanted to prepare for retirement,” Linda Hussong said about plans with husband Jeff. “We knew we wanted to retire in Huntsville because our daughter Melissa Cox lives here and our grandson Wyatt.”
When the opportunity with Mathnasium presented itself, the Hussongs “loved the idea of working with children. So, we took the leap,” she said.
“Taking over this center has been the best experience I’ve ever had,” Linda said. “The only challenge is staying current with the local schools so we know what our students need and how to make sure we provide them with support at their grade level with their school work. We do help with homework as part of our programs, but it’s not the central part of our focus.”
Previously, Linda has been a co-owner of a construction company. Jeff has worked as chief financial officer and general manager of several medium to large companies in multiple industries.
The Hussongs are members of Canebrake Golf Club in Athens. Linda participates with BNI networking group. Owners of an Irish wolfhound, the Hussongs are members of North Alabama Wolf Hound Association.
Jeff earned a bachelor’s degree in business from Bradley University. Most recently, he worked as a CFO for a Fortune 500 company’s government division. Now self-employed, he works as consultant in accounting and mergers/acquisitions. “I’ve been in sales and marketing most of my life. That makes us a very good pair to own a company,” Linda said.
Mathnasium’s address is 51 Nance Road, Suite 101. For more information, call 256-430-4053, email or visit or Facebook/Mathnasium of Madison.