Library promotes ‘Madison County Reads’
During “Madison County Reads,” all branches of Huntsville-Madison County Public Library are encouraging patrons to read the same book, “Packing for Mars” by Mary Roach. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – If you’re tired of the winter blahs, check out activities that Huntsville-Madison County Public Library has scheduled to brighten the days in late March.
“’Community Conversations’ will start its 2017 season with the return of one of our favorite authors, Greg Iles, author of the ‘Natchez Burning’ trilogy,” director of public relations Laura McPhail said. Iles will appear on March 24 at 7 p.m. in the Downtown Huntsville Library Auditorium, 915 Monroe St.
Iles will discuss the trilogy’s last book, “Mississippi Blood,” which goes on sale March 21. “Join this mastermind of an epic tale of mystery, adventure and the complicated elements of Southern history,” McPhail said. Advance tickets are $25 and available at
During March, all library branches will promote “Madison County Reads,” a community program that encourages everyone in the county to read the same book. The library has hosted this month-long program since 2002.
This year, Madison County Reads is featuring “Packing for Mars” by Mary Roach, an American author of popular science and humor. “Packing for Mars” looks at space as “a world devoid of the things we need to live and thrive: air, gravity, hot showers, fresh produce, privacy, beer. How much can a person give up?” Roach said about her book.
For Madison County Reads, branches will offer various speaker events, hands-on programs, crafts, science clubs and story times. In Madison, the staff will coordinate the “Artrageous: Galaxy Painting” for adults and teenagers on March 19 at 2 p.m. All ages are welcome to Gena Crook’s presentation, “Learn Astronomy,” on March 23 at 6 p.m. Crook is associated with the Von Braun Astronomical Society.
In addition, Madison Public Library will host a visit on March 26 at 2 p.m. with local resident Dr. Stephen B. Jones, who is author of “Nature-Based Leadership: Lessons for Living, Learning, Serving and Leading.” “Jones created the emerging field of nature-based leadership and founded the NBL Institute at Antioch University – New England while serving as that institution’s president,” McPhail said.
“Steve’s ultimate intent is to enhance lives and enterprise success, even as he sows the seeds for responsible earth stewardship,” McPhail said.
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