Bob Jones AFJROTC triumphs at drill meet
Bob Jones Cadets are Nikolai Fadairo, front from left, Javier Garcia, Steven Fruehwald, and Hannalyn Wilks. Shayla Hickson, back from left, Anna Hall, Rachel Toler, Alexander Bartholomae, Eleanor Cornett, Zemira Bridges, Amber Apperson, Alexis Mawhirter, Ethan Mawhirter, Kayla Kress and Christine Tran. CONTRIBUTED
MADISON – The Air Force JROTC Drill Team from Bob Jones High School succeeded with highest honors recently at the fourth annual Redstone Arsenal Sergeants Major Drill Competition.
Hazel Green High School hosted the event.
Bob Jones Honor Guard earned third place for their routine. The Drill Team aced their matches with first-place wins for Platoon Armed Regulation Drill; Platoon Unarmed Regulation Drill; Squad Armed Regulation Drill; and Squad Unarmed Regulation Drill.
“Our Bob Jones AFJROTC team won the Overall Grand Master Trophy/1st Place for the Drill Competition,” Aerospace Science Instructor Ellis Q. Clark said.
Bob Jones Cadets are Nikolai Fadairo, Javier Garcia, Steven Fruehwald, Hannalyn Wilks, Shayla Hickson, Anna Hall, Rachel Toler, Alexander Bartholomae, Eleanor Cornett, Zemira Bridges, Amber Apperson, Alexis Mawhirter, Ethan Mawhirter, Kayla Kress and Christine Tran.