Larger payments go to library construction
MADISON – At Madison City Council’s April 24 meeting, Mayor Paul Finley said interviews will start this week for eight finalists for the city’s communications specialist. Eleven candidates remain in consideration for the office of police chief.
Council accepted District 1 Councilperson Maura Wroblewski’s agreement with Madison Animal Rescue Foundation to give a free three-year animal license for a pet owned by qualifying low-income families.
Council approved these larger payments:
* S&ME (formerly Littlejohn) – Work on County Line Road, Phase II, $24,163.93.
* CDG Engineering — Redesign, bid, construction management and utility coordination, Downtown Streetscape Phase III, $3,967.
* Turner Universal — Construction management, Madison Public Library, $27,159.17.
* Pearce Construction Co. — AMH system, $192,433.33 and construction costs, $483,443.81, Madison Public Library.
Finley and Council President Tommy Overcash accepted an award from Association of the United States Army in appreciation of the city’s support of the U.S. Army and veterans.
Acting Fire Chief Brandy Williams with Madison Fire and Rescue Department presented a Live Saving Award to Celie Krome, who saved her father’s life by administering CPR. Celie had completed a CPR class that Madison firefighters conducted at Bob Jones High School.
Finley commended Gayle Milam and Parks and Recreation Department for the three Easter egg hunts held at Dublin Park. The all-weather ‘bubble’ for Dublin Park’s outdoor pool will be out for bid in the first week of May.
Council re-appointed David Cochran’s to Place 4 on Industrial Development Board.
In department reports, Willow Creek, Phase 1 was added into the city’s maintenance program at request of engineering department. The fire department will pay $28,065 to Madison County Civil Defense to upgrade alerting system for emergency calls to fire stations.
Information Technology Department received approval for taking inline broadband and internet access to Madison Public Library.