Sheriff’s Office offers Districted Driving Program 2017
MADISON – Madison County Sheriff’s Office has announced its initiative to curtail one of the most dangerous situations on the roadways today – distracted driving.
The Sheriff’s Office is sponsoring the Districted Driving Program 2017 at several sites in Madison County. In Madison, James Clemens High School will host the program on June 13 and 29 and again on July 10. Individuals can attend the session at Bob Jones High School on June 15 and July 19.
Madison County High School in Gurley will offer the program on July 11. New Hope High School will offer the study on July 12. On Redstone Arsenal, the program will be conducted on July 13.
Hazel Green High School plans to present the Districted Driving Program 2017 on June 1 and 26 and again on July 14. The program will again be offered on June 2 and 27 and again on July 17 at Buckhorn High School.
Interested teenagers and others can attend the presentation at Sparkman High School on June 12 and 27 and again on July 18. Huntsville High School plans to host the session on June 14 and 30 and again on July 20.
The Sheriff’s Office has scheduled a rain date for July 12. Morris, King & Hodge P.C., Attorneys at Law is sponsoring the program.
Limited space will be available for these courses.
To register for the Districted Driving Program 2017, students should contact their school resource officer or SRO that works in their school. Other options for registering are to contact Sgt. B. Patterson by emailing or register online by visiting
Blake Dorning serves as Sheriff of Madison County.