Master Gardeners plant sale set for May 13
MADISON – With freezes and frosts no longer a threat, the Master Gardeners of North Alabama will host its fourth annual Plant Sale and Garden Fair on May 13.
Madison County Farmer’s Market at 1022 Cook Ave. in Huntsville will host the sale from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. The gardeners are working in cooperation with Alabama Cooperative Extension System.
“Customers will find a wide variety of locally-grown and curated perennials, annuals, vegetables, herbs, shade plants, small trees, shrubs and much, much more, all at very reasonable prices,” Master Gardener and publicist Sue Khoury said.
“Master Gardeners will be on hand throughout the sale to answer questions, make recommendations and assist customers with their selections and purchases,” she said.
For the 2017 plant sale, the master gardeners have added an array of activities. Soil pH testing will be available at no charge. The Ask a Master Gardener booth will offer solutions to gardening dilemmas. Volunteers will present demonstrations for a rain barrel and compost bin.
“We’ll also be selling rain barrels, hand tools, gloves, welded-wire tomato cages, bee houses and more,” Khoury said. “There will also be a garden-themed rummage sale and a raffle.”
“Our venue at the farmer’s market is spacious and comfortable with available restrooms. If you want your soil tested, please bring about a cup of dry soil,” Khoury said.
Plant sale chairwomen Gloria Couch and Alice Brigman said local members of Master Gardeners of North Alabama and interns have grown all plants in the sale. Some varieties are difficult to find at local nurseries.
Planning and growing for the sale has been ongoing for more than eight months by a dedicated group of volunteers. All proceeds will help fund various community service projects throughout Madison County.
The gardeners association has a long history of providing educational workshops, hands-on support and horticultural guidance for area schools, civic organizations, senior centers, CASA, beautification and tree boards and Huntsville Botanical Garden.
Members are also active with local horticulture clubs, including Herb Society, Daylily Society, Native Plant Society and Environmental Educators. At the botanical garden, the association plants, maintains and conducts tours of the Demonstration Vegetable Garden and maintains the Compost Demonstration Project.
Master Gardeners also staff the vegetable tent at the garden’s spring plant sale and provide thousands of volunteer hours throughout the entire garden, including the mulch pile.
For more information, visit Facebook/Master Gardeners of North Alabama Inc.