Bob Jones tabs Allen as top staff member
MADISON – Phillip Allen, who is completing his fifth year at Bob Jones High School, has been selected as “Staff Member of the Year.”
Allen works as a special services aide. “The nature of my job places me in classrooms of many different teachers/subjects and has allowed me to assist a wide range of teachers implement varying styles,” Allen said. “I’ve learned something from every teacher I’ve worked with.”
Bob Jones students are a major asset. “We really do have great students. They aren’t always easy and don’t always do the right thing, but they’re all good kids at heart. It’s a personal privilege to help them not only improve academically but also mature as people,” Allen said.
Allen acknowledges Superintendent Robbie Parker for significantly affecting his career and life. “I’ve known Coach Parker since I was a child. I attended athletic camps that he and Coach Bobby Jackson ran.” Parker was Allen’s world history teacher and was principal at Bob Jones when he was hired.
“Robby Parker has dedicated his life to students. He truly loves each one as an individual, unique human. His example inspires me to try to bring that same dedication with me each day at work,” Allen said.
Allen’s family moved to Madison in 1987 when he was five years old. The next year, he met his future wife at Palmer Park. Allen attended West Madison and Madison elementaries, Liberty Middle School and graduated from Bob Jones.
Previously, he worked at University of Alabama at Birmingham Hospital in cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation facility as clinical exercise specialist.
“We moved back home from Birmingham in 2010. My parents, Pete and Jane Allen, and her parents, David and Liz Glenn, all live here, along with other family,” Allen said.
His wife, Becky Glenn, works as a substitute teacher in both Madison City and Madison County schools. “Her true talents are as a singer and an artist,” he said. Their daughter Kristin Glenn, 13, is a prospective freshman at Bob Jones. They live Madison Cross Roads.
Allen completed bachelor and master’s degrees at Auburn University. Currently, Allen is finishing his second master’s degree in secondary education from Alabama A&M University.
“I’ve enjoyed learning to garden from my father-in-law. Becky, Kristin and I enjoy traveling and family photography excursions. I’m involved in Kristin’s activities at church and school,” he said.