Master Gardeners plan rose seminar
MADISON COUNTY – Master Gardeners of North Alabama will assemble local rose experts for its all-day “A Rose for Every Garden” workshop on June 13.
The seminar will be held in Murray Hall at Huntsville Botanical Garden from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
“Roses are all-time favorites of many gardeners but they can be picky. Come learn all about roses, from selection of the perfect rose for your garden to everyday care and maintenance to diseases and pests and even to making arrangements with roses,” Master Gardener publicist Sue Khoury said.
The experts will help individuals to learn how to successfully plant, grow and enjoy gorgeous, healthy roses, regardless of gardening experience, Khoury said.
Master Gardeners will handle the presentations at the workshop. Libby Loose will discuss “A Walk Through My Rose Garden.” Barbara McFarlen, a rosarian (professional rose grower) will discuss “How to Plant, Feed, Water and Choose a Rose.”
“Landscaping with Roses and Encouraging Beneficial Insects” will be the topic for Gail Futoran, who is a rose grower with Huntsville Botanical Garden Guild. Barbara McFarlen will explain “Diseases, Pruning and Winterizing Roses.”
During “Rose Rosette Disease and Rose Resources,” Gigi Bullman will speak about this gardening threat, especially to Knockout Roses. Four of the master gardeners will collaborate to present “How to Arrange Roses” and a panel discussion.
The gardeners association has a long history of providing educational workshops, hands-on support and horticultural guidance for area schools, civic organizations, senior centers, CASA, beautification and tree boards and Huntsville Botanical Garden.
Members are also active with local horticulture clubs, including Herb Society, Daylily Society, Native Plant Society and Environmental Educators. At the botanical garden, the association plants, maintains and conducts tours of the Demonstration Vegetable Garden and maintains the Compost Demonstration Project.
Cost per person is $20 and includes choice of four boxed lunches. Space is limited, and organizers encourage guests not to wait to register. Registration deadline is June 2. To register, visit
For more information, visit or Facebook/Master Gardeners of North Alabama Inc.