New school year opens smoothly
MADISON – With two weeks completed in the new school year, campuses of Madison City Schools have settled smoothly into routines.
Two bus routes in Triana did present some overcrowding that administrators have worked to solve.
After the first week of school, parents of students in Triana that ride bus numbers 08-39 (Purple Star) and 16-48 (Gray Rectangle) were contacted about the “high number of students, late pickup and arrival to Columbia, and general navigation of new neighborhoods and stops,” Columbia Elementary School Principal Jamie Hill said.
“Our bus drivers are amazing and will work through this with all of us,” Hill said.
On Aug. 10, Bus 08-39 had 91 students on board and was running about 10 minutes behind the morning schedule. Bus 16-48 was balanced with the number of riders but was getting to Columbia closer to 7:45 p.m.
“Please know that we have every intention of getting your children to school safely and on time, which includes breakfast if they choose to have it, to allow for the best day possible of learning,” Hill said.
The number of students has decreased on 08-39 from 91 to 69, and the bus arrived at 7:27 a.m. at Columbia. Conversely, officials increased the number of riders to 77 from 53 on 16-48.
“We will continue to monitor the number of riders and arrival times each morning for both buses with daily arrival times continuing to improve,” Hill said.
In other campus activity, Madison’s elementary schools are scheduling Curriculum Night, intended for parents only. Teachers will provide information on subject material, grade-level procedures, homework policies, discipline procedures and tentative field trips. (
At Columbia, Curriculum Night for parents of kindergartners will be held Aug. 14 at 5 p.m. Parents will go directly to their child’s classroom.
Each grade at Columbia has a different assigned night:
* First grade — Aug. 15, 5 to 6 p.m., library.
* Second grade — Aug. 17, 5 to 6 p.m., classrooms.
* Third grade — Aug. 29, 5 to 6 p.m., classrooms.
* Fourth grade — Aug. 22, 5 to 6 p.m., in classrooms. Durrett, Mayfield and Kiker’s parents will meet in Kiker’s classroom. Guillebeaux and Foust’s parents will meet in Foust’s classroom.
* Fifth grade — Aug. 24, 5 to 6 p.m., cafeteria.
* Sixth grade — Aug. 28, 5 to 6 p.m., cafeteria.