“Run for TX” 5K to help Texas
Run for TX
Huntsville- The running community of North Alabama is reaching out to help those in the state of Texas by coming together to help raise funds and clothing to assist those in the Longhorn State who have lost everything in the wake of the tragedy from Hurricane Harvey.
Fleet Feet Sports and the Huntsville Track Club are working together with the Houston Runners Club (HARRA) to host a relief run in Huntsville on Thursday, Sept. 7 at Fleet Feet Sports beginning at 6:00 p.m. A 5K route beginning at Fleet Feet Sports, located at 2722 Cart T. Jones Drive in the Jones Valley section of Southeast Huntsville, will be the starting and finishing point of the run. “Run for TX” T-shirts will be for sale with 100-percent of the proceeds going directly to the American Red Cross of Houston.
Participants can choose to do a virtual run as a vehicle for donation and race coordinators will work in conjunction with the club in Houston with race results posted by the HARRA the following week.
Besides the T-shirt sales, donations will also be accepted and go directly to the American Red Cross Harvey Fund. Visit the American Red Cross website at www.redcross.org for details.
In addition, Fleet Feet Sports will continue accepting donations of new and gently used shoes and socks, which are being mailed daily to the hurricane stricken area.
Participants of all ages are encouraged to partake in the event as the entire country is attempting to band together to support the devastated area of Southeast Texas. Those hit by the storm last month will need assistance for several months to come as many of the residents lost everything to the flooding and direct hit of the hurricane’s force.
All details of the event are available at www.fleetfeethuntsville.com.