James Clemens High School Band will present "Sounds of the Stadium" in the auditorium on Nov. 9 at 7 p.m. CONTRIBUTED
James Clemens High School, Madison, Madison County Record, News, SCHOOLS -- FEATURE SPOT, Z - News Main
Jets Band to present ‘Sounds of the Stadium’
MADISON — The dramatic overtures and upbeat charts of their field marching show will move inside when James Clemens High School Band presents “Sounds of the Stadium.”
The concert on Nov. 9 will start at 7 p.m. James Clemens Band Boosters are hosting the event.
Boosters encourage the public to come out and hear music in the marching show performed indoors in the auditorium at James Clemens. After the concert, guests will be treated to a dessert reception and silent auction in the cafeteria.
Advance tickets are $8 and available from member of the band, color guard or dance line. At the event, tickets will cost $10.
For more information, visit Facebook/Sounds of the Stadium.