City to pay $56,980 for multi-purpose venue’s market analysis
MADISON – Swimmers in the community are closer to another year-round pool option.
At its Dec. 11 meeting, Madison City Council approved the recreation department’s request to pay $384,964 to Lee Builders for general contractor services for an air-supported structure on Dublin Park’s outdoor pool. This project has run over budget.
Council members said the ‘bubble’ is a temporary solution to needs of Madison swimmers.
Public works will buy 15 acres on Palmer Road for $425,000 from Fund 76, Municipal Government Capital Improvement Fund.
The legal department will pay $56,980 to Brailsford & Dunlavey Inc., for market and financial analysis for a multi-purpose venue. This project relates to the possibility of securing a minor league baseball team.
Post Commander Carlos Woods and Americanism Chairman Tom McKinney with American Legion, Post 229, presented “Police Officer of the Year” award to Officer Aubrey Walls and “Firefighter of the Year” award to Jonathan Chapman.
David Hergenroeder with Madison Board of Education reminded residents about the tax renewal for school funding for the three public school systems in Madison County on the ballot in the Dec. 12 election.
Council approved payment for these larger sums:
* Turner Universal — Construction management, Madison Public Library, $17,450.
* Pearce Construction Company — AMH system, Madison Public Library, $41,833.67.
* OMI Inc. — Geotechnical engineering services, Dublin Pool air-supported covering, $3,292.
* CDG Engineering — Redesign, bid, construction management and utility coordination, Downtown Streetscape Phase III, $9,870.
* Huntsville Utilities — Commercial aid-to-construction quote, Downtown Streetscape Phase III, $10,082.
* OMI Inc. — Geotechnical engineering study and subsurface exploration, Huntsville Utilities substation project, $4,200.
* Kyser Boulevard property purchase — $231,034.92.
Mayor Paul Finley received approval of design and purchase for city coins at approximately $3,000, with funding in half between special projects budgets of mayor and council.
Madison Schools Growth Impact Committee will issue a report to Madison Board of Education on Dec. 14 and a follow-up report to council on Dec. 18.
District 3 Councilman Teddy Powell received approval to buy seasonal banners for downtown light poles for $3,000. Michael Keenum was named to Madison City Disability Advocacy Board.
Captain Michael Sedlacek with Madison fire department gave a presentation on virtual reality project.
In public hearings, Vilasa Inc., DBA Busy Bee, at 8006-18 Old Madison Pike received a beer and wine license. Council approved two ‘weed liens’ for mowing overgrown properties. The HVAC maintenance agreement with Lee Company was terminated due to unsatisfactory service.
The engineering department will add Brentwood Manor into the city’s maintenance program.
At planning’s request, council authorized a grant application with Transportation Alternatives Program for extension of Mill Creek Greenway. A grant will cover 80 percent of costs.
Madison Fire and Rescue Department will purchase training software from TargetSolutions Learning LLC at $6,194.60 and software from ESO Solutions Inc. at no cost.