Madison schools delay opening by 2 hours on Jan. 4
MADISON – Robby Parker, superintendent of Madison City Schools, has released an announcement about delayed opening of schools on Jan. 4:
“Thursday morning is going to be very cold. The forecast is for temperatures to be between 10 and 15 degrees with wind chills in the single digits when students are at bus stops.
“We are delaying the start of school 2 hours for Thursday: Pre-k, 9:55 a.m.; elementary, 9:40 a.m.; middle school, 10:05 a.m.; and high school, 10:15 a.m.
“Buses will wait at each bus stop a little longer than normal.
“I have asked each principal to have a lenient tardy policy in case a parent has to make alternative transportation plans]
“If you, as a parent, do not feel comfortable having your child wait outside for the bus, and you have no other way for your child to get to school, notify your principal and they will work with you on the absence.
“We will make a decision tomorrow (January 4, 2018) regarding Friday (January 5, 2018).”
Robby Parker