Madison Swim Association donates for pool enhancements
MADISON – At Madison City Council’s Feb. 12 meeting, Madison Swim Association gave significant donations for the indoor pool at Dublin Park.
Madison Swim Association donated eight diving platforms with additional tops valued at $38,323.92 and for the installation of platforms, not to exceed $21,800. Construction will start around March 1, depending on opening of air structure or ‘bubble’ for outdoor pool.
The pool needed new platforms to accommodate divers and swimmers, especially for local and state meets.
In Town Madison discussion, consultants from Brailsford & Dunlavey Inc. explained their market analysis for minor league baseball at the proposed multi-use venue/baseball stadium.
“The average attendance for minor league baseball is approximately 4,100 people. We recommend a facility with total capacity of 6,000. We take market analysis projections … and develop three scenarios for attendance projections, ranging from conservation to aggressive,” the consultant said. Advertising, concessions and sponsorships also will generate revenue at the facility.
In public comments, Mike Callihan was interested in “the process” that council has used to decide on stadium issues and disagrees with council’s use of work sessions. Gary Jones suggested for council to set priorities on infrastructure, not a stadium.
The legal department presented first reading for financing the multi-use venue/stadium, followed by a council vote on Feb. 26.
Council authorized these larger payments for bills:
* OMI, Inc. — Geotechnical engineering services for Dublin outdoor pool’s air-supported covering, $2,316.40.
* Mullings LLC — Palmer Park rejuvenation, $38,250.
* Populous Group LLC — Multi-use venue study and schematic design, $57,195.53.
* Lee Builders — Air-supported pool covering (draw no. 1), $113,240.85.
* Miller & Miller Inc. — Bridge replacement on Mill Road, $50,490.
Accepting annual appropriations were Executive Director Melody Crane for Riley Center, a comprehensive care center for individuals with autism, for $7,500 and Kathy Glider for Huntsville Botanical Garden for $15,000.
District 4 Councilman Greg Shaw received approval for $4,906 for street lighting on Jet Plex Circle. Council accepted Human Resources’ changes to job classifications, as presented by Council President/District 5 Councilman Tommy Overcash.
District 7 Councilman John Seifert commended coordinators of 2018 Madison City Chess League Challenge, which pitted adults against young players.
Andy Johnson was appointed to Place 5 on Industrial Development Board, at District 3 Councilman Teddy Powell’s nomination.
In public hearings, G & E Martinez LLC requested liquor license for Lucia’s Cocina Mexicana, 12090 County Line Road, Suite H.
Engineering received the OK for $8,700 annual fee for ArcGIS software maintenance. Slaughter Road will be resurfaced between Farrow Road and Old Madison Pike in shared district cost with Madison County and City of Huntsville.
The planning department scheduled public hearing on March 26 for re-zoning property at Town Madison owned by Old Town Investments, located south of I-565 and west of Zierdt Road from Agriculture to Traditional Neighborhood Development and from AG and Multi-Family Residential to Urban Center.
Madison Police Department will use Madison Utilities’ property for K9 training.
Legal also requested a public hearing on business license of Sequel TSI Holdings LLC for Three Springs facility on March 26. Eventually, council can choose among four options: revocation, non-renewal, suspension or conditional approval of the business license.
A public hearing also was approved to consider business license for Madison Inn & Suites (Town Center Senior Living LLC).
Branch Manager Sarah Sledge thanked council and city departments for cooperation in opening Madison Public Library’s new building.
Sen. Bill Holtzclaw donated $200 for Mardi Gras party at Madison Senior Center.
The council’s next work session will be held on Feb. 21 at 5:30 p.m.